Wednesday 8 February 2012

It has been some time since my last....

Hmm. There's the essence of me right there. 2 years between posts.

Everyone was ill a couple of weekends ago and I got sucked into Twitter. And then into Blogs. What can I say, I've always been a bit of a late developer. I have been delighted to find so many incredibly talented and creative people out there pouring forth their thoughts and the fruit of their labours. And funny.... lots of funny.

I think I'll just sit a while and maybe occasionally find something to say that will interest other people. This may take some time. But hopefully it won't take two years.


  1. Well a huge welcome to the blogosphere. I warn you, it gets addicitve! But it is great fun x

  2. Hi you. I've been a bit crap responding to tweets over the last few days but i've noticed a couple of tweets from you! Honestly I'm not usually this rude!! Anyway, this is officially to welcome you to blogland. Like jbmumofone warns, it does get addictive. Though, please never feel any pressure either! That takes the joy and spontaneity is out of it. Admittedly, two years IS quite long to go between blogs, but I only blog once a week, and a fortnight has gone by before now!! How wrong of me!! But ultimately there's too much wine to be consumed and too many children to feed (notice the order) to be worrying about writing daily frickin blogs!! x

  3. We prioritise in a similar fashion I'm relieved to note. Although I wonder if you wake in the wee hours wracked with guilt about the order.... Anyhoo, I would never consider someone rude for not replying. I mean it's not like we're related : )

    And as for the gap between posts, I honestly had forgotten about the existence of this blog. It was only when I tried to create a new one to take part in the fabulous Motherventing's #ispy that I was reminded of it.

    Besides, if you have cat flossing on your to do list I would imagine you're pretty busy xx
