Friday 24 February 2012

Dirty Dozen

Better late than never right? As expected, my flirtation with Twitter and blogging cooled off over the last 10 days as I realised:
- I wasn't getting much done
- I was "meeting" some really interesting, inspiring, funny people but I was forgetting about some of the "real" people around me who tick those boxes too
- I had to do some proper PAID work
- and I was totally cream crackered

But because I have been tagged so rarely I feel honour bound to reply to my tagger

1. Favourite book?

The Stand by Stephen King. I read this as a teenager and it is the book I return to again and again. I frequently have apocaplytic dreams- living in a world post bomb/ war/ plague. It may have its roots in watching "Threads" as a teen. This book was so epic in its story arc and the wealth of well fleshed out characters. I love Stephen King and am amazed at the scope of his writing- so many great movies have been based on his work. The Shawshank Redemption regularly tops the "best film of all time" lists, and as if that wasn't enough he writes interesting stuff about being a writer.

I liked World War Z (which I read because Brad was filming a movie version in Glasgow last year) and The Passage for similar reasons.

2. First famous crush?
The bass player from Frankie Goes to Hollywood. I had lots of pictures of him snipped out of my Smash Hits magazines and stuck inside my folders at school.

3. Worst film ever watched?
I love movies of all kinds and it's really rare for me to switch a movie off. Recently I watched "Skyline" and hated the last half hour.

The food and drink section:

4. Red or white?
I can't possibly choose between the two, so I suggest you come back to me with an alternative question. I've had a couple of glasses of Morse Code Shiraz tonight and have just remembered some Chablis in the fridge. I'll have both thanks.

5. Chicken or fish?
*Whispers* I find chicken a little boring. Fish is in my blood, with sailors and fishermen on both sides. I could eat it every day.

6. Still or sparkling?
Sparkling. I got to live it when I lived in Italy for a summer. I bought a Sodastream just to fizz my tap water.

The bloggity-blog section:

7. Favourite post written by you?
I enjoyed writing about shmexy cinema scenes. I puckle of people read it but noone commented. Sniff. Oh well.

8. Favourite post read in the last week?
Toss up between Motherventing and SAHDandproud. I envy their evil writing genius, way with words, humour and general superlative bloggieness. When I grow up I want to be just like them.

9. The blog you think we should ALL be following?
No, no, you can't make me choose. I WON'T.

You are nearly there. Deep breaths. The FINAL section:

10. Favourite song?
Edge of America by Duran Duran. "There's nothing left to lose, nothing to protest, learn to love your anger now, anger here is all you possess...... Welcome to the edge". I still find the lyrics quite haunting.

11. Your best joke?
"But why Mummy?" - "Because I love him more".

12. Mahahaha… are done!

Thank goodness. That was tough.
My 12 questions:

1. Movie moment that never fails to make you cry

2. Beer, wine or spirits?

3. You have to give one up- chocolate or crisps

4. Last random act of kindness someone did for you

5. Beach or pool?

6. Hairy or smooth?

7. Favourite pudding or the pudding you ate last. Sometimes you just can't pick one.

8. Least favourite body part

9. Pacino or De Niro

10. Activity, sport of hobby that you don't do any more that you really miss

11. Shouty angry or broody/ sulky

12. Tweeter who has posts you always make time for...

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